FAQ / Help

How to post on FreeAdsAnytime:

If you want to register an account: Go to Login at the top, then click Register as a free user (or since you're already here, just click that link) - this will make it easier to post and edit your ads; but FreeAdsAnytime is free and welcoming to all if you don't feel like it
After you've done that, or decided not to:
Just hit "Publish Your Ad for Free", select your category, fill out whichever information you want to display (fields in bold are necessary) and you're done that quick.


-Where's my ad?

If you didn't register as a user, make sure to check your e-mail and validate it.
If it violated our Terms of Service; we probably removed it.
If it's been up for a really long time (currently a year for all categories); it's expired. Feel free to post it again with any updated info though.

-How do I Edit or Delete my ads?

If you are a registered user, just sign in, go to My Account for a list of your ads and options. Or go to the ad in question and hit Edit Item right above the item description

If you haven't registered, the links for Edit and Delete were sent in with the validation E-mail for the ad.

-How do I protect myself from scams?

Common sense and careful practices will protect you 99% of the time. Always err on the side of caution. To help you do so, we've put helpful tips like this on every item page:

Check our Safety page to protect yourself even more.

-This ad is spam! A duplicate! Misclassified! A fraud! What should I do?

"Mark as..." such in the upper right corner of the item so you can help other users.

-What happens when I mark an ad?

It will be reviewed and removed (or just moved) if we find that it was marked properly.

-What should I do if I am scammed here?

Let us know so we can take appropriate action and protect your fellow users.

But, if you are scammed here, or anywhere else online, there are organizations you should contact:


-This didn't help. Where can I go to get some answers?

Contact us at FreeAdsAnytime@gmail.com or use our form.